Capturing Of Afghanistan By Talibans


The Taliban means students in the Pashto language. They emerged from northern Pakistan in the early 90s after the withdrawal of the soviet union from Afghanistan. They fought against the Soviet Union in the 1980s because of their occupation.

Weapons were provided by the US to these Taliban to fight against the Soviet Union. After that, they emerged as a big organization in Afghanistan and they even ruled Afghanistan from 1996 to 2001.

Taliban Invasion Of Afghanistan (1994)

On 3 November 1994, the Taliban captured the city of Kandahar, one of the biggest cities of Afghanistan and located near the border of Pakistan and Afghanistan.

After that within two months, the Taliban took control of 12 afghan provinces. The continuous fighting took place between the Taliban and the forces of Afghanistan. But eventually, the Taliban captured Kabul on 27  September 1996 and formed the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan.

US Invasion Of Afghanistan And War On Terror

After the 9/11 attack, the US started the war on terror and ultimately captured a lot of Muslim countries and one of them was Afghanistan. Many Taliban and al-Qaeda leaders fleed to different countries.

Afghanistan was invaded by the US and it was ruled by US-backed governments. They spent trillions of dollars on Afghanistan. 

Alongside a war was being fought between the US and the Taliban. This war caused a great loss of money and lives.

US Withdrawal From Afghanistan

On 29 February 2021, a peace treaty was signed between the US and the Afghan Taliban which includes the withdrawal of all US and NATO troops from Afghanistan starting from May 1 2021 to 31 August 2021.

Taliban Invasion Of Afghanistan (2021)

Taliban started capturing different districts of Afghanistan on May 1 2021, the same date when the withdrawal of US troops started. Taliban took control of a lot of districts in the starting months.

From August onwards Taliban started capturing different provincial capital. A lot of them surrendered without even a single shot of fire.

On 15 August, the Taliban captured the capital of Kabul. They took control of all the government offices and hence got the whole of Afghanistan under their control. Afghanistan's president of that time, Ashraf Ghani fled the country.

Taliban's Press Conference After Victory

After the victory in Afghanistan, the Taliban's spokesperson Zabihullah Mujahid did a Press conference in which he talked about many issues about the future of Afghanistan's foreign policy and the rights of the people of Afghanistan.

He promised the freedom of media. He also confirmed that women and girls will be allowed to carry out their education, jobs and their daily life routine within the limits of Islam. He ensured that no revenge will be taken against those who opposed them or worked with the US and NATO.
