define emetophobia


A phobia is a type of anxiety disorder defined by a persistent and excessive fear of an object or situation. 

Emetophobia: Definition

 Emetophobia is the extreme fear of vomit. It can cause extreme anxiety and a feeling of overwhelming.

I have also written an article on thalassophobia, click Here to check out the article.


There is no specific reason or cause of Emetophobia. Although, it is believed that it can be caused because of some traumatic experience such as abuse.


Exposure therapy

Exposing the patient to others vomiting can help treat the phobia. Moreover systemic behaviour therapy, psychodynamic and psychotherapy are also useful in treating phobia.


Medication is not recommended in treating phobia. However, psychotropic medications such as benzodiazepines and gastrointestinal medications were a little beneficial.
