How to work on lats

 A lot of people ignore the back when working out. They focus more on Arms, chest and abs and this is why they don't get a perfect bodybuilder shape.

It is necessary to train your back, especially lats to get a bodybuilder shape body. Lats are one of the most important muscles group which should be trained to get a wider and muscular body. 

Training lats are necessary to get 'V Taper' Body shape. In this article, I will tell you some of the best exercises for lats so that you can also get an amazing back.

Best Exercises For Lats

Following are some of the exercises to get amazing lats.

1) Lats Pulldown

Lats pulldown is a great exercise to target the lats. This exercise also helps you to get good posture and improves stability. This exercise can be used to get a wider back.

2) Barbell Rows

Barbell rows are great for your lats, upper back and biceps. They also work on your chest and shoulders. They are also good for the core stability and also work on hamstrings

3) Chin-Ups

Chin-ups are a great calisthenic exercise to target multiple muscle groups at a time. They work on the biceps, lats and core. They are great for stability and strength. They activate the biceps more as compared to pull-ups.

4) Pull-Ups

Pull-ups are similar to chin-ups, only the hand and wrist placements are different. Pull-ups work on lats, traps and core. They are not as effective for biceps as Chin-ups. Although, Chin-ups and Pull-ups are equally effective for lats.

5) Dumbbell Rows

Dumbbell rows are an amazing exercise Io build a great back. They work out in lats, rear delt, biceps and traps. They also increase strength and are also good for stability.
