how to get bigger calves for skinny legs

 The lower body is as necessary as the upper body. Hence, it is necessary to build the lower body so that you can look like a perfect bodybuilder.

The lower body includes Quads, glutes and calves. In this article, I will tell you some exercises to build calves for skinny guys with skinny legs.

Following Are Some Of The Exercises to Build Calves

Following are some of the best exercises to build calves for skinny guys.

1) Calf Raises

Calf raises is one of the best and common exercises to build calves. All you have to do is raise your legs while applying pressure to your calves. You can do this exercise anywhere anytime.

2) Dumbbell Calf Raises

Dumbbell calf raises are similar to the common calf raises except for the fact that we use dumbbells in this exercise to get more tension on our calves. It is a variation of the common calf raises but it is slightly better.

3) Calf Press

A great exercise to build bigger calves fast. But to perform the calf press, you will be needing the leg press machine. This exercise also targets the quadriceps. Check out this article on how to get bigger legs by clicking Here

4) Box Jump

The box jump is an amazing exercise that targets multiple muscle groups. Th Box jump exercise targets quadriceps, calves, glutes and hamstrings. Click Here to read about how to grow bigger and muscular glutes

5) Squats

You may have heard about squats. Squats are used to target quadriceps but they can also target your calves. Squats can help you in getting bigger calves.
